From the community to the people

You can have different locations (Villages), and you can also have custom services created by you in every village (like a barbershop, workshop, farm… there are a lot of icons all ready for you as samples or you can upload yours!).

In every single service, you will have your inventory for materials and tools, your video courses to educate, the records of manufactured products, and the data digitalized.

Also, you will be able to make deliveries to other services, track the items, and make payments.

To serve the different villages and communities, there are 6 languages included, what gives you a huge coverage over the world map:

























Offline Mode

We acknowledge the situation of incomunicación in some rural areas, and especially the remotes areas where NGOs have more action, so we prepare the software from the begging to be able to run in remote areas. For less than 50 $ you can create your own remote server with a RaspberryPI, and sync with the cloud with a USB stick when you reach the network. It also features the latest technologies in the marker to be future-proof.

Technologies used to carry out the project


This front-end framework is used to give some functionality to the interface without having to refresh the page: sorting tables by column, search information, and pagination.


Developed open-source by Twitter engineers, we use this Framework for the interface to be able to resize to the different screen sizes, from smartphone to desktop.

Gin gonic

This is a Web framework that use to speed up the development and improve the maintenance. It empowers the project with all the tools needed.


This is the programing language where all the technology is based. It is open-source, designed specifically for web development and developed and empowered by Google


This is the container where we install al the software layers and it´s all wat we need. No dependencies vastly reduces the maintenance and simplifies the deployment


For the remote areas without connection, this is the Operative System that controls the hardware. It will run the app non-stop and restart automatically the software is disconnected from the power.

Step by step guided tutorials

The core of the app is that the knowledge is built into video-tutorials. It has been proven that in lack of presence learning, video-tutorials are the best self-teaching resource. Even nowadays in universities, they impart real courses focused on video lessons,the so-called “flip-teaching” with MOOCs courses from top universities like Harvard, Cambridge or MIT.

Another key to this solution is the scalability of the knowledge resource, once it is developed and integrated in the system. This allows us to increase the video library over time.

Designed to guide step by step and make a follow up on the process, giving also tips and growing security for the user to use the app.

Create your own video courses and introduce them into the system.

Introduce the different steps guiding all the process

See the records of the different products made out of the video courses

Track items in the whole chain

In order to track every tool and every product manufactured (so we can see every single worker involved in his manufacturing), there is the option to track items in an easy, fast and secure way: QR codes.

Every item has a unique identifier number, that is represented by the QR. The cases of use of the QR are:

  • Every time we want to give a tool to a worker, for example, we will scan the QR and it will be registered that this exact tool was given to a specific worker, so he will be responsible for that and the tool won't just disappear.
  • Every time someone wants to make a delivery, if the item is traceable, they will need to scan the QR codes in order to deliver from one service to another, so you can not deliver a wrong thing as long as everything is digitalized.
  • Every time the customer receives a manufactured product from the organization, he will be able to see every worker that was involved in the manufacturing process of the product.

Make decisions with the data on the table

Making an inventory can be tricky. No one has the same needs, and even in the same collection, not every item needs to be a check in the same way. Maybe actually is not the number of items you want to control but the state of that items.

To collect all these data in an effective way, you can create a dynamic form combined by:

  • As many checkboxes as you need
  • As many numbers as you need
  • As many photos as you need
  • As many descriptions as you need
  • You can select how often do you want to check the item: only once, daily, weekly or monthly
  • Create your own video courses and introduce them into the system.

    Easy reports , easy analysis

    To take the right decision you must have the right information. The reports are usually misvalued, and often are not the priority of the organization, but it will be an important resource to answer a lot of questions and to prove the effectiveness of the program.

    The key to having good reports is to have the data, and this is normally a handicap, because maybe the recollection is not be done properly, or there is some data missing, or there is no recollection at all.

    But donors, who are the people who gives money to the organizations, do appreciate good reports, with good data to prove that their money is being invested successfully into the project.

    Having a digital solution, from the beginning of the chain to the end, dynamically created to cover the different characteristic of the NGO and the users of the communities, can be a fully equipped solution to the problem of tracking and reporting (and all the adds-on of the software system itself).

    The software provides you the ability to export into Excel files the data from the database, in specific documents to be able to export the data out of the system, make some calculations in base on the data obtained and analyze the data through Microsoft Excel.