Design beyond boundaries



When you start to create an interface adapted for illiteracy, you need to take normal routines that you do several times every day and reinvent it, giving them a better understanding and simplicity.

One of these daily routines is introducing a password. Instead of a password, they can remember a story with 4 animals, and the iconography of the animals in convention with their photo, the software is able to give to the user the security they need to use the system.



Having an understanding and clean menu is basic to create confidence in the use of the system. The main menu is a collection of icons labeled with a small description and divided into 3 categories:

  • -Services: these are custom services that you can create depending on your necessities.
  • -Actions: these are the global actions that you can make across all services that you create.
  • -Logout: to close your session

Numerical alphabet

A numerical alphabet, like the roman but simplified, related to their currency to ensure that a person without the knowledge of the numbers will be able to understand how much money he/she needs to get paid.

It can create any combination that the scope of the project can generate (covering all the money quantities) and is easily adaptable to any currency.



w to the workers and the money invested in the materials to make the products.

You can see the data globally by all services, locally buy a specific service, or individually, by a specific worker in the system. All the views have the data in written words and numbers, in the graphic and numerical alphabet and with a chart for the representation.


Guides Video Courses

Custom video tutorials, divided in steps for a guided and easy comprehension and with warnings about common mistakes to guide the process and avoid material waste.

Also includes a set with icons and photos for a quick graphical resume of the tools and materials needed for the step.